Cyndi Lauper New York Apartment Photos

by cyndilauper

These pictures were published back in 1999. They were taken at Cyndi Lauper’s New York apartment.

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1 comment

Shannon Chandler May 2, 2017 - 10:28 pm

I have that exact same flamingo picture! It was found in my paternal grandfathers family estate .. the house was built in the late 1800s by my great great grandfather, and all of his children including my great grandfather, grew up in and some lived there their whole lives after my great great grandparents were both gone. So a lot of family has come and gone and some how I ended up with this flamingo frame! I have no info on the background of this and how Cyndi came across it! Would love to hear. I know I surely treasure my frame so much more now! 🙂


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